This document sets out the qualification and assessment specifications for City & Guilds’ Functional Skills Mathematics qualifications. These are derived from the Ofqual-published Functional Skills Mathematics Subject Criteria. This document also provides guidance for tutors and assessors on preparing candidates for assessment in the component of Functional Skills Mathematics, and information about each of the following assessment delivery mechanisms: Entry level (internal) task-based assessments and Level 1-2 (external) practical tasks assessments.
Course content:
Context involving money and/or time
Context involving measure, shape and space
Context involving statistics
Entry Requirements:
There are no specific requirements necessary for this course.
Method of assessment:
All skills are assessed. Specifications are developed to ensure sufficient coverage of the criteria and consistency/reliability of assessments over time. At Level 1 & 2 all assessments are externally set by City & Guilds; they are also externally marked by City & Guilds.
City & Guilds Functional Mathematics Level 1
Duration of course
Up to 30 Hours
Attendance Options